
How to get a loan from BNDES for my company?

How to get a loan from BNDES for my company?


There are many possibilities and variables that influence differently in the answer to this question. Criteria such as the size of the business, the disposable income and the type of credit you want to achieve are factors that diversify the process

Get credit to expand business is a common desire to many entrepreneurs and the BNDES - National Bank for Economic and Social Development - can be a good alternative. It is a federal public institution that works just as long-term financing instrument for investments in various economic sectors.
In order to encourage business in Brazil, the bank invests in the creation and expansion of companies in the country. What to do then to get there a loan for your business? There are many possibilities and variables that influence differently in the answer to this question. Criteria such as the size of the business, the disposable income and the type of credit you want to achieve are factors that diversify the process.
There are several programs to businesses at different stages. Visit the BNDES site can be the first step for options available. On the "Programs and Funds" the site lists all the ways to get support, according to the line, income, objective and enterprise sector.
The entrepreneur can also look for lines of credit according to each area of the institution (http://www.bndes.gov.br/SiteBNDES/bndes/bndes_pt/Areas_de_Atuacao/index.html ), aligning with its own. The main ones are: Agriculture, Commerce, Services and Tourism, Culture, Social and Urban Development, Export and International Insertion, Industry, Infrastructure, Innovation, Environment and Capital Markets.
To facilitate the process for the entrepreneur, the site offers a tool called More BNDES (http://www.bndes.gov.br/SiteBNDES/bndes/bndes_pt/Orientador/index.html) . In this area, the applicant provides data on its location, whether it is individual, business or part of the public administration etc. It's like a questionnaire that ultimately determines which type of loan best fits with the reality of who is trying to get the loan. Through this guidance document, which is divided into profile, sector of activity, purpose and support result, you can get an idea of what kind of loan should be the goal of the entrepreneur.
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In addition to these facilities, the BNDES held lectures in several Brazilian cities, within the "BNDES Closer to You" initiative. These meetings provide opportunities for interaction between the bank representative and entrepreneurs interested in receiving investment, facilitating clarification and to resolve any doubts that may exist with respect to the process. The calendar with the dates of the seminars and lectures of this initiative can be found on the website (http://www.bndes.gov.br/SiteBNDES/bndes/bndes_pt/Institucional/Agenda_de_Eventos/index.html ).
In addition, the BNDES advises that any entrepreneur interested in getting a loan seek the bank or a representative of the institution in your city. This representative will be able to analyze the situation from their expertise, advising the entrepreneur the best way.



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